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All written content contained on this site belongs to the author, unless otherwise stated, and should not be appropriated for use by anyone without permission. Any content provided voluntarily by other writers is subject to the same rules as my own. Any photos or images used on this site that do not belong to the author are royalty free and licensed under creative commons, or cover images of books used to promote them. Any images belonging to the author should be regarded in the same way as the previously mentioned written content and should not be used without permission. The opinions offered on this site are for the purposes of information and entertainment only.

Book Reviews:

I strive to provide honest and unbiased book reviews.

My reviews reflect my personal opinion of the book, and I avoid letting personal relationships with the author or publisher influence my assessment.

I will not provide favorable reviews solely because I have received a copy of the book for review.

I do my best to focus on the merits of the book, avoiding personal attacks or unprofessional language. I aim to provide a balanced and insightful analysis of the book’s strengths and weaknesses.

I thoroughly read and carefully consider each book before writing a review. I take the time to fully engage with the content, allowing me to offer a well-informed and thoughtful critique.

I maintain a respectful tone, even if I have a negative opinion of a book. I avoid offensive or inflammatory language, ensuring that my reviews remain constructive and professional.

I reserve the right to not review books that do not meet my editorial standards. If a book does not have at least a 3 star rating, I will opt to do a promotional post instead.

I may not be able to review all books that I receive, but I will definitely do my best.

Genres I Review:

I am very much a mood reader, and I read a number of different genres. However, my top genres are the following:

โ— YA
โ— Fantasy
โ— Horror
โ— Graphic Novels
โ— Manga
โ— Romance (Spicy, Supernatural, Fantasy)
โ— Thriller

I am also always interested in diverse authors and reading books about different diverse experiences. As someone who is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, those stories are some I also have a particular interest in!

Where I Post Reviews:

My Blog
Social Media
NetGalley & Edelweiss+

How Do I Contact You for a Review?

Please send all review related queries to, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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